Featured Local Artists

Unleash Your Creativity with Sketching Mastery

Discover a world of creativity and imagination at Life Drawing Milton Keynes We showcase a diverse collection of artworks that reflect passion, emotion, and unique perspectives. From mesmerizing paintings to captivating sculptures, each piece tells a story and invites you to explore the depths of artistic expression.

Expression and Creativity

Art is a form of expression and creativity that allows individuals to convey emotions, ideas, and experiences through various mediums such as painting, sculpture, music, dance, literature, and more.

Innovation and Experimentation

Artists often push boundaries and explore new techniques, materials, and concepts, leading to innovation and experimentation within the art world.

Explore the therapeutic benefits of sketching, such as stress relief, mindfulness, and self-expression.

Discover Creative Artistry

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Peter Bashford

I have had a varied life, and have been lucky to have travelled so much of the world, my home is always the UK but my heart is also very much in Nepal where I have spent time every year for over 25 years working with girls who have been victims of human trafficking and other forms of abuse.

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Lou Thomas

I have painted and drawn since childhood actively encouraged by my late father, himself an accomplished watercolourist. I had a break from creativity whilst raising my family and pursuing my career as a professional risk manager but returned to it in 2012 whilst convalescing following surgery.

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Yvonne Elliott

I have been stitching and doodling for as long as I can remember; my very first artwork was in biro on my sister’s vinyl doll – very satisfying but not well received, as I recall. However, I didn’t start any formal art training until about ten years ago; since then I’ve been fairly driven

Drawing the nude figure presents a unique and formidable challenge for artists. It’s not just about capturing the organic shapes of the body

It’s about capturing the essence of a living, breathing, and moving human being. Despite its difficulty, drawing from life is immensely rewarding and offers the most effective path to enhancing your artistic abilities.